“Expanded awareness” is a type of attentional practice. It involves sustaining attention moment by moment on all that is happening at once in the broader environment at one point in time.
Notes from “Getting unstuck - physically and philosophically - with Alexander Technique” by Michael Ashcroft
Getting unstuck - physically and philosophically - with Alexander Technique
“Getting stuck means either to forget that you have options or to lack the capacity to act on your options. It means to close yourself off to certain possibilities that exist within your wider 'possibility space'.”
“Alexander Technique is a way to notice when you're about to get stuck (to 'collapse your possibility space') and then consciously navigate around getting stuck or get unstuck whenever necessary.”
“Getting unstuck means to become available to everything within the larger possibility space. This is something that happens over and over again — it is never done, and to think that it can be is a trap that itself gets you stuck”
“I'm not talking about "being aware of everything", but "being able to be aware of anything". I encourage you to sit with that sentence for a moment.” - AKA be available to notice anything, open your horizon